Modern Culture
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Tuesday 2 October 2007
Some would even argue that because Australia is so young it also lacks culture. I once heard an Englishman joke, that a container of yogurt had more culture than Australian's. This is unfair, while Australia shares a strong cultural connection with England it has developed a unique culture. For instance, the English tradition of the Fish and Chip Shops is available in nearly every Australian town. That is of course, if the town is large enough to support the first two business that are established in any town, the Pub and the General Store. In nearly every fish and chip shop in Australia a Souvalaki is available. This is due to the enormous Greek communities that resides in Australia. Melbourne has the largest Greek community in the World, outside Greece. Also present in any fish and chip shop and unique to Australia is the Dim Sim. This has its beginnings during the 1800s when waves of Chinese immigrants flocked to Australia in search of Gold. The Dim Sim is either steamed or fried and is probably most similar to a meat and cabbage dumpling. While the fish and chip example may seem subtle and not really an extremely convincing example of culture, it must be remembered that subtleties are what makes a people unique.

Australia is one of the most urbanized countries in the world yet has a strong connection with the bush. Australian literature, art, and folklore is significantly about stories of settlers hardships on the land, bushrangers that roamed the countryside stealing, squatters who searched for new land to settle and farm, sheep sheerers, and miners hoping to strike it rich. These examples of Australian expression have one common theme, they are all stories of hardships, of ordinary poor people searching for something more from life. They are stories of battlers (a famous saying in Australia is "Aussie battler") and Australian's have a strong desire to support the under dog or battler.

Australia often draws its identity from the land. It was said in the past that, Australia rides on the sheep's back. Times have changed, and by the way the photo looks its the other way around.
posted by Tabitha @ 9:48 am  
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